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US Solar Connect Support & FAQs

Welcome to the US Solar Connect support page! Here, we aim to address the most commonly asked questions about solar power. Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights and information to help you make informed decisions about improving your home's energy efficiency!

Whether you're a homeowner who is looking to switch or just someone who would like to educate themselves on solar energy, we hope you'll find the information you're searching for here. If you can't find the answers to your question, please feel free to contact us for additional help!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the right solar panel system for my home?

Choosing the right solar system for your home can depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to your energy needs, budget, and size of your home. It's best to let a professional guide you!

Can my solar system withstand a Florida hurricane?

Solar panels are designed to be durable and can outlast wind speeds up to 180 miles per hour. It's important to have a professional install them correctly to ensure your solar system is secure.

Why is a battery pack a wise investment?

Battery packs are certainty worth consideration. They allow you to store excess energy generated during the day and use it when the sun is not shining, like at night. They also conveniently provide back up power during power outages, such as in the event of a natural disaster.

Why get insulation?

Insulation is an appreciable component of any solar panel system, as it helps to improve and maximize the energy efficiency of your home. Insulation helps to prevent heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer. Chances are if you decide to purchase insulation, you will spend less on your solar purchase as you will not be using as much electricity to power your air conditioning unit!

Why connect with us?

  • Excellent customer service.
  • Competitive pricing.
  • Expertise and knowledge in solar technology.
  • High-quality workmanship.
  • Committed to the energy of tomorrow.
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Solar panel system technology

How many types of panels are there?

Fortunately, the solar industry has created a tiered classification system to help identify quality panels quickly. Solar panel manufacturers are classified as Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3. US Solar Connect carries and recommend Tier 1 panels, which are of the highest quality, last longer, produce more power for extended periods, and contain robust warranties.

Is it true solar panels cause roof leaks?

No, solar panels do not cause roof leaks when installed correctly. In fact, solar panels can actually protect your roof from damage by shielding it from the elements. It's important to have your panels installed by a licensed professional to ensure they are attached properly.

What happens during a power outage?

If you don't have a solar battery, your solar panels won't generate power, and you won't have electricity until the power grid is restored. However, with a battery pack, your system will automatically switch to the battery, allowing you to continue using electricity until the battery is drained or the power grid is restored.

How often do panels need to be maintained?

Maintaining solar panel systems require minimal upkeep. You may need to wash them with water to ensure that light can pass through if they get dirty, but in Florida, the frequent showers usually take care of this for you.

What if my system encounters an error?

Our live monitoring system will alert us to any issues with your system, enabling us to identify the problem and quickly develop a solution to restore your system to sell functionality. Additionally, we have a service request page to help address any concerns that our customers may have.

Technology behind solar batteries

How do solar batteries function?

During the day, solar panels generate more electricity than is immediately needed, so solar batteries store the excess power for later use, such as at night or during a power outage.

Am I able to purchase a battery after owning panels already?

Yes, it is possible to add a solar battery package to your system at a later time with the help of a professional!

Is there a difference between generators and solar batteries?

Yes! Generators create electricity from fuels such as gasoline, diesel, or propane. Solar batteries store excess energy that is generated by solar panels.

How does the system determine whether to power the house or charge the battery?

Solar systems use a charge controller to determine whether to charge the battery or supply your home. The charge controller monitors the battery's state of charge and the amount of energy being generated by the panels and sends the excess energy to the battery if it needs to be charged. Once the battery is fully charged, the excess energy is then sent to the house.

Do I need more than one solar battery?

This depends on your unique energy needs. If you require more energy than a single battery can provide, then you may need to add additional batteries to your system. Consult a professional and they will gladly help you in the right direction.

Are there incentives to purchasing solar batteries as well?

Fortunately, there is! Florida offers a state tax credit on your solar system purchase, including solar batteries. Additionally, some utility companies offer net metering programs that allow customers with solar batteries to sell excess energy back to the grid!

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More Savings and Incentives

Is there a federal solar tax credit in Florida?

Yes, also known as the investment tax credit (ITC), it's a tax credit that allows homeowners and businesses to deduct a portion of the cost of installing a solar energy system, including solar batteries, from their federal taxes. As of 2023, Florida is giving back a whopping 30%!

Will my solar panel system increase my home value?

Definitely. Homes with solar panels are often seen as more attractive to buyers because they offer energy savings and are better for our environment. Additionally solar panels can increase a home's resale value by up to 4.1%

How many financing options are there when purchasing a solar system?

There are several financing options available, the most popular include solar loans, solar leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAS). Solar loans allow homeowners to finance the cost of a solar energy system over time, while solar leases and PPAS allow homeowners to lease or purchase the energy over produced by their solar system. Florida is a state that offers Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, which allows homeowners to purchase their system through their property taxes.

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US Solar Connect: A Family Brand

A company built on offering clients the most up-to-date information and technology involved within Solar industry.

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Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. They are up made up of photovoltaic cells that capture the energy for the sun and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. The photovoltaic cells are made up of layers of silicon and other arterials that create electric field when exposed to sunlight. When sunlight hits the cells, it knocks electrons loose from their atoms, creating a flow of electricity. This electricity can then be used to power your home or business, or it can be stored in batteries for later use.

The amount of electricity generated by a solar panel depends on many factors, including the size and quality of the panel, the amount of sunlight it receives and the efficiency of the photovoltaic cells. On average, a single solar panel can generate between 250 a 400 watts of power per hour.

If your solar panels create more energy than you can use, the excess energy can be fed back into the grid. This is known as net metering or grid-tied solar. When your solar panels generate more energy than you need, the excess energy is sent back to the grid and you receive a credit on your energy bill that can be used to offset the cost of energy that you may use for the grid when your solar panels are not generating enough energy.

Solar panels are designed to be durable and long-lasting, with an expected lifespan of 30 years or more. The actual lifespan of a solar panel system can depend on a number of factors, including the quality of the panels, the conditions in which they are installed, and the level of maintenance they receive.